Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Next New Thing

Image result for weather images

Image result for weather imagesMany of the applications and technologies that have evolved recently have been built upon some sort of platforms that were once previously used. This is the idea of convergence of old media into new media and it is prevalent with many innovations. Therefore, the next new thing will incorporate some of the available attributes of new media into becoming the next phenomenon. Just as social networking is a form on communication, the weather is a form of communication since we are often concerned about weather conditions for our daily lives. Consequently, since we rely on the weather forecast there can be an invention that will allow us to predict the weather by ourselves. There have definitely been a lot of weather apps and helpful forecasts by meteorologists but if everyone can get involved in understanding climatic patterns with a new model then we can be more thoughtful about the earth and preserve the environment. This new invention can basically make us experience the life of a meteorologist but at the same time add more precise weather predictions for a longer time period.

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